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    页 7 - 为您找到 494 个岗位

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      • 北京, Beijing
      • 正式工
      • CNY900,000 - CNY1,000,000 每年
      关于企业.国内金融行业集团公司关于团队.高效、科学、团结、友好;关于职位.1、负责所属业务线的业务支持工作。深入业务团队,对涉及财务各类工作进行协助和赋能; 2、针对专项或定向分析,搭建分析框架,分析业务实质,提供决策支持信息 ; 3、定期输出财务问题改进点,以及改进情况报告;对财务内外部进行汇报; 4、负责财务bp节点审核,相关财务问题解答并组织推进财务内部进行改革; 5、对内部控制以及财务不合规事项进行不定期检查和优化。技能和经验要求.1、具有较强的推动能力,善于与人沟通,专业基础扎实。2、有过财务BP、预算分析工作经验优先。3、有IDC、云服务行业工作经验优先。4、 强烈的责任心,有高度的保密意识,工作细致,良好的计划与执行能力、协作沟通能力
      关于企业.国内金融行业集团公司关于团队.高效、科学、团结、友好;关于职位.1、负责所属业务线的业务支持工作。深入业务团队,对涉及财务各类工作进行协助和赋能; 2、针对专项或定向分析,搭建分析框架,分析业务实质,提供决策支持信息 ; 3、定期输出财务问题改进点,以及改进情况报告;对财务内外部进行汇报; 4、负责财务bp节点审核,相关财务问题解答并组织推进财务内部进行改革; 5、对内部控制以及财务不合规事项进行不定期检查和优化。技能和经验要求.1、具有较强的推动能力,善于与人沟通,专业基础扎实。2、有过财务BP、预算分析工作经验优先。3、有IDC、云服务行业工作经验优先。4、 强烈的责任心,有高度的保密意识,工作细致,良好的计划与执行能力、协作沟通能力
      • 北京, Beijing
      • 正式工
      • CNY900,000 - CNY1,000,000 每年
      关于企业.国内金融行业集团公司关于团队.高效、科学、团结、友好;关于职位.1、深入业务团队,对涉及财务各类工作进行协助和赋能;2、针对专项或定向分析,搭建分析框架,分析业务实质,提供决策支持信息 ;3、参与财务信息化建设,建立费用分摊数据库,并结合工作实践提出修改建议,提高分析时效性;4、财务合同审核,相关财务问题解答并组织推进财务内部进行改革;5、定期输出财务问题改进点,以及改进情况报告;对财务内外部进行汇报;6、对内部控制以及财务不合规事项进行不定期检查和优化。技能和经验要求.1、具有较强的推动能力,善于与人沟通,专业基础扎实;2、熟悉金融行业相关业务运作流程,具备流程优化、合同评审项目经验优先;3、从事财务BP工作并喜爱BP工作,具有一定分析能力;4、有过内审工作经验优先。
      关于企业.国内金融行业集团公司关于团队.高效、科学、团结、友好;关于职位.1、深入业务团队,对涉及财务各类工作进行协助和赋能;2、针对专项或定向分析,搭建分析框架,分析业务实质,提供决策支持信息 ;3、参与财务信息化建设,建立费用分摊数据库,并结合工作实践提出修改建议,提高分析时效性;4、财务合同审核,相关财务问题解答并组织推进财务内部进行改革;5、定期输出财务问题改进点,以及改进情况报告;对财务内外部进行汇报;6、对内部控制以及财务不合规事项进行不定期检查和优化。技能和经验要求.1、具有较强的推动能力,善于与人沟通,专业基础扎实;2、熟悉金融行业相关业务运作流程,具备流程优化、合同评审项目经验优先;3、从事财务BP工作并喜爱BP工作,具有一定分析能力;4、有过内审工作经验优先。
      • 北京, Beijing
      • 正式工
      • CNY360,000 - CNY600,000 每年
      关于公司:高科技领域数智化创业公司,BPO 业务f昂想,公司2000人以上,总部北京。 关于职位:负责带领核心业务线的产品团队实现业务目标、解决方案迭代、产品战略到战术的落地和功能迭代 负责提升业务产品的竞争力和行业标准化产品解决方案输出给行业客户持续扩充产品的团队,搭建人才梯队和人才培养 关于要求:1)战略能力对创业、商业的认知,能够对接公司战略;具有市场、产品 vision 能力,可以预见未来的变化和发展趋势;能够对事物的本质有追求,可以很简洁地表述观点,并且能够看到本质;对战略可以有很好的拆解能力,很强的逻辑能力,能够对战略决定拆解成可以执行的目标,并具有 很好的 smart 设定目标的能力;2)软性素质:正直、积极、智慧、有观点、有野心、自我驱动、追求完美;是个真正的产品和技术领导者,既有 很好的产品思维能力和产品设计方法论,具有很好的技术远见,也有很好的领导力和执行力;具有 创业的热情、激情,对创业的艰辛和挑战有认知并愿意在追求成就感的过程中全身心投入;有耐性,经折腾,和各层级同事都能平等沟通,混
      关于公司:高科技领域数智化创业公司,BPO 业务f昂想,公司2000人以上,总部北京。 关于职位:负责带领核心业务线的产品团队实现业务目标、解决方案迭代、产品战略到战术的落地和功能迭代 负责提升业务产品的竞争力和行业标准化产品解决方案输出给行业客户持续扩充产品的团队,搭建人才梯队和人才培养 关于要求:1)战略能力对创业、商业的认知,能够对接公司战略;具有市场、产品 vision 能力,可以预见未来的变化和发展趋势;能够对事物的本质有追求,可以很简洁地表述观点,并且能够看到本质;对战略可以有很好的拆解能力,很强的逻辑能力,能够对战略决定拆解成可以执行的目标,并具有 很好的 smart 设定目标的能力;2)软性素质:正直、积极、智慧、有观点、有野心、自我驱动、追求完美;是个真正的产品和技术领导者,既有 很好的产品思维能力和产品设计方法论,具有很好的技术远见,也有很好的领导力和执行力;具有 创业的热情、激情,对创业的艰辛和挑战有认知并愿意在追求成就感的过程中全身心投入;有耐性,经折腾,和各层级同事都能平等沟通,混
      • 株洲市, Hunan
      • 正式工
      • CNY300,000 - CNY500,000 每年
      关于公司.一家做创新药的生物技术公司,专注小分子和多肽的研发,公司业务包括CRO和自有管线开发。关于团队.公司的药理部,包括药理药效、体内体外、毒理和药物代谢等。关于职位.1. 负责公司管线的药理、药效学评价,包括药代,体内药效和早期毒理研究。协助解决疑难问题,保证项目的顺利推进,按时间节点取得阶段性进展并负责研究成果的汇报。2. 负责完成公司战略要求立项调研工作及协助药物注册申报资料的撰写。3. 完成领导交办的其他工作。能力要求.1. 生物学、药理学或药学相关专业博士学历。2. 两年以上CRO或研发药企DMPK工作经验,做过体内药效(肿瘤)者优先,能够根据药物分子特性和参考文献设计PK和PD方案,并且对数据进行整理解读,支持分子或者药效开发方案的优化。3. 有体内动物实验设计,实验数据的分析处理的经验,有较强的实验开发能力,熟悉体内药理研究的新模型、新技术、新规则,并了解新药的申报流程。4. 熟悉first-in-class创新药开发,掌握药品研发的各个环节与操作流程。熟悉多肽药物和小分子药物研发,可发现
      关于公司.一家做创新药的生物技术公司,专注小分子和多肽的研发,公司业务包括CRO和自有管线开发。关于团队.公司的药理部,包括药理药效、体内体外、毒理和药物代谢等。关于职位.1. 负责公司管线的药理、药效学评价,包括药代,体内药效和早期毒理研究。协助解决疑难问题,保证项目的顺利推进,按时间节点取得阶段性进展并负责研究成果的汇报。2. 负责完成公司战略要求立项调研工作及协助药物注册申报资料的撰写。3. 完成领导交办的其他工作。能力要求.1. 生物学、药理学或药学相关专业博士学历。2. 两年以上CRO或研发药企DMPK工作经验,做过体内药效(肿瘤)者优先,能够根据药物分子特性和参考文献设计PK和PD方案,并且对数据进行整理解读,支持分子或者药效开发方案的优化。3. 有体内动物实验设计,实验数据的分析处理的经验,有较强的实验开发能力,熟悉体内药理研究的新模型、新技术、新规则,并了解新药的申报流程。4. 熟悉first-in-class创新药开发,掌握药品研发的各个环节与操作流程。熟悉多肽药物和小分子药物研发,可发现
      • 北京, Beijing
      • 正式工
      • CNY300,000 - CNY500,000 每年
      关于公司我们的客户是一家大型高科技企业集团(国企)。关于职位1.负责编制智能制造能力提升实施方案,确定总目标和阶段目标,跟踪推进目标实现。2.推动所属企业提升生产制造的自动化、数字化和智能化水平,提高智能制造能力。3.负责组织智能制造项目相关的例会、专题会和决策会议等,落实会议决议。4.负责总部与所属企业、总部部门、项目相关方的日常联络对接,进行信息的上传下达; 5.完成领导交办的其他事项。技能和经验要求1.本科及以上学历,五年以上相关工作经验。2.熟悉工业4.0、智能制造等相关知识,熟悉智能制造相关标准及实现路径。3.具备宏观战略统筹能力,能指导所属单位推进相关专业工作。4.具有较强的研究和学习能力,熟悉智能制造发展趋势和新技术的应用。5.具有优秀的逻辑思维和分析、报告撰写、PPT呈现和材料讲解能力。6.具备良好的协调和沟通能力、语言和书面表达能力以及解决问题能力。 作风务实,责任心强,有钻研精神。 
      关于公司我们的客户是一家大型高科技企业集团(国企)。关于职位1.负责编制智能制造能力提升实施方案,确定总目标和阶段目标,跟踪推进目标实现。2.推动所属企业提升生产制造的自动化、数字化和智能化水平,提高智能制造能力。3.负责组织智能制造项目相关的例会、专题会和决策会议等,落实会议决议。4.负责总部与所属企业、总部部门、项目相关方的日常联络对接,进行信息的上传下达; 5.完成领导交办的其他事项。技能和经验要求1.本科及以上学历,五年以上相关工作经验。2.熟悉工业4.0、智能制造等相关知识,熟悉智能制造相关标准及实现路径。3.具备宏观战略统筹能力,能指导所属单位推进相关专业工作。4.具有较强的研究和学习能力,熟悉智能制造发展趋势和新技术的应用。5.具有优秀的逻辑思维和分析、报告撰写、PPT呈现和材料讲解能力。6.具备良好的协调和沟通能力、语言和书面表达能力以及解决问题能力。 作风务实,责任心强,有钻研精神。 
      • 北京, Beijing
      • 正式工
      • CNY500,000 - CNY800,000 每年
      • 北京, Beijing
      • 正式工
      • CNY240,000 - CNY480,000 每年
      • 成都市, Sichuan
      • 正式工
      • CNY480,000 - CNY540,000 每年
      【岗位职责】1、全面负责线上销售运营工作,完成事业部线上年度业绩目标;2、根据产品特性,制定年度线上运营策略,包含品牌定位、宣传、产品更新、推广等;3、负责多平台的统筹,结合多渠道、会员、社群、CRM、直播、短视频等工具及平台,制定年度经营策略,确定各平台投资收益比,制定年度费用计划,并完成年度业绩目标;4、根据市场变化,及时调整运营策略,完成销售业绩;5、负责团队建设及运营工作。 【任职要求】1、本科及以上学历,5年以上消费品线上运营及销售经验;2、有从0-1新品线上运营管理工作经验,过往从事快消品行业(口腔护理优先);3、有较强的产品运营能力,了解消费者行为,能精准把握用户需求;4、熟悉线上平台运营及掌握推广策略,有创新理念,能有意识的挖掘新品种、开发新市场;5、具备良好的领导能力、分析能力、判断和决策能力、组织协调能力。
      【岗位职责】1、全面负责线上销售运营工作,完成事业部线上年度业绩目标;2、根据产品特性,制定年度线上运营策略,包含品牌定位、宣传、产品更新、推广等;3、负责多平台的统筹,结合多渠道、会员、社群、CRM、直播、短视频等工具及平台,制定年度经营策略,确定各平台投资收益比,制定年度费用计划,并完成年度业绩目标;4、根据市场变化,及时调整运营策略,完成销售业绩;5、负责团队建设及运营工作。 【任职要求】1、本科及以上学历,5年以上消费品线上运营及销售经验;2、有从0-1新品线上运营管理工作经验,过往从事快消品行业(口腔护理优先);3、有较强的产品运营能力,了解消费者行为,能精准把握用户需求;4、熟悉线上平台运营及掌握推广策略,有创新理念,能有意识的挖掘新品种、开发新市场;5、具备良好的领导能力、分析能力、判断和决策能力、组织协调能力。
      • 武汉市, Hubei
      • 正式工
      • CNY800,000 - CNY1,000,000 每年
      about the company.One Global Fortune 500 companyResponsibilities:Initiate, define, plan, communicate and follow up company’s business strategy to ensure company’s long-term viability, profitability and market shareDevelop and improve manufacturing performance according to targets.Quality results: customer claims (PRR) and NQCDVC productivity: labor productivity and sub-contractingSupply chain: inventories management & service level resultsEnsure positive &
      about the company.One Global Fortune 500 companyResponsibilities:Initiate, define, plan, communicate and follow up company’s business strategy to ensure company’s long-term viability, profitability and market shareDevelop and improve manufacturing performance according to targets.Quality results: customer claims (PRR) and NQCDVC productivity: labor productivity and sub-contractingSupply chain: inventories management & service level resultsEnsure positive &
      • 北京, Beijing
      • 正式工
      • CNY240,000 - CNY360,000 每年
      公司介绍专注地产行业和零售领域空间运营整合营销公司团队风格1,团队成员非常有自己的时尚理念,有想法,有活力2,团队文化融洽,沟通风格简单、直接,结果导向3,团队的领导很给下属空间,鼓励大家有自己的主见,成员之间互帮互助岗位职责:1.你将需要结合业务战略目标,制定品牌策略,包括品牌定位开发、营销信息设计、传播节奏和方案设计等。2.你需要清晰了解各业务定位和区别,根据市场需求和变化进行品牌传播策略及策划制定;3.你需要策划具有行业影响力的事件、实现品牌影响力塑造。可以深度挖掘可传播的产品功能点,围绕科技、创新、颠覆等形象,打造传播性高的传播项目及物料;4.你需要关注市场动态、竞争品牌营销策略及效果等,并有针对性的提出营销优化策略并实施。任职资格:1.有丰富的品牌管理经验, 4A广告公司策略背景者优先;2. 具备优秀的品牌管理sense,具备全面的品牌管理能力和经验,具有极强的审美能力和创意能力;3.对打造加密行业的标杆品牌具有丰富的热情;
      公司介绍专注地产行业和零售领域空间运营整合营销公司团队风格1,团队成员非常有自己的时尚理念,有想法,有活力2,团队文化融洽,沟通风格简单、直接,结果导向3,团队的领导很给下属空间,鼓励大家有自己的主见,成员之间互帮互助岗位职责:1.你将需要结合业务战略目标,制定品牌策略,包括品牌定位开发、营销信息设计、传播节奏和方案设计等。2.你需要清晰了解各业务定位和区别,根据市场需求和变化进行品牌传播策略及策划制定;3.你需要策划具有行业影响力的事件、实现品牌影响力塑造。可以深度挖掘可传播的产品功能点,围绕科技、创新、颠覆等形象,打造传播性高的传播项目及物料;4.你需要关注市场动态、竞争品牌营销策略及效果等,并有针对性的提出营销优化策略并实施。任职资格:1.有丰富的品牌管理经验, 4A广告公司策略背景者优先;2. 具备优秀的品牌管理sense,具备全面的品牌管理能力和经验,具有极强的审美能力和创意能力;3.对打造加密行业的标杆品牌具有丰富的热情;
      • 北京, Beijing
      • 正式工
      • CNY360,000 - CNY480,000 每年
      公司介绍专注地产行业和零售领域空间运营整合营销公司团队风格1,团队成员非常有自己的时尚理念,有想法,有活力2,团队文化融洽,沟通风格简单、直接,结果导向3,团队的领导很给下属空间,鼓励大家有自己的主见,成员之间互帮互助岗位职责:1.你将需要结合业务战略目标,制定品牌策略,包括品牌定位开发、营销信息设计、传播节奏和方案设计等。2.你需要清晰了解各业务定位和区别,根据市场需求和变化进行品牌传播策略及策划制定;3.你需要策划具有行业影响力的事件、实现品牌影响力塑造。可以深度挖掘可传播的产品功能点,围绕科技、创新、颠覆等形象,打造传播性高的传播项目及物料;4.你需要关注市场动态、竞争品牌营销策略及效果等,并有针对性的提出营销优化策略并实施。任职资格:1.有丰富的品牌管理经验, 4A广告公司策略背景者优先;2. 具备优秀的品牌管理sense,具备全面的品牌管理能力和经验,具有极强的审美能力和创意能力;3.对打造加密行业的标杆品牌具有丰富的热情;
      公司介绍专注地产行业和零售领域空间运营整合营销公司团队风格1,团队成员非常有自己的时尚理念,有想法,有活力2,团队文化融洽,沟通风格简单、直接,结果导向3,团队的领导很给下属空间,鼓励大家有自己的主见,成员之间互帮互助岗位职责:1.你将需要结合业务战略目标,制定品牌策略,包括品牌定位开发、营销信息设计、传播节奏和方案设计等。2.你需要清晰了解各业务定位和区别,根据市场需求和变化进行品牌传播策略及策划制定;3.你需要策划具有行业影响力的事件、实现品牌影响力塑造。可以深度挖掘可传播的产品功能点,围绕科技、创新、颠覆等形象,打造传播性高的传播项目及物料;4.你需要关注市场动态、竞争品牌营销策略及效果等,并有针对性的提出营销优化策略并实施。任职资格:1.有丰富的品牌管理经验, 4A广告公司策略背景者优先;2. 具备优秀的品牌管理sense,具备全面的品牌管理能力和经验,具有极强的审美能力和创意能力;3.对打造加密行业的标杆品牌具有丰富的热情;
      • 上海, Shanghai
      • 正式工
      • CNY450,000 - CNY630,000 每年
      关于职位・To lead business improvement and deployment of system change. Improve processes to avoid recurring issues, and stabilize support needs・As member of global IT team,analyze and enhance system to realize requirement from Finance team・Coordinate with business team and vender to ensure projects can be completed on time and reach goals・ Will have opportunity to re-locate to other regions after few years working in Shanghai技能和经验要求・ Bachelor's degree in Busin
      关于职位・To lead business improvement and deployment of system change. Improve processes to avoid recurring issues, and stabilize support needs・As member of global IT team,analyze and enhance system to realize requirement from Finance team・Coordinate with business team and vender to ensure projects can be completed on time and reach goals・ Will have opportunity to re-locate to other regions after few years working in Shanghai技能和经验要求・ Bachelor's degree in Busin
      • 苏州市, Jiangsu
      • 正式工
      • CNY400,000 - CNY500,000 每年
      CompanyA foreign CompanyResponsibilityProduction Management Monitor the Production Status and identify improvement priorities to ensure delivery; Closelywork with Supply Chain team to understand the overall customer order status and lead thepreparation of manpower ;Quality ManagementImplement TEOA related Tools in plant and identify key quality improvement priorities,supervise and monitor quality status; Lead problem solving process in order to meet qualit
      CompanyA foreign CompanyResponsibilityProduction Management Monitor the Production Status and identify improvement priorities to ensure delivery; Closelywork with Supply Chain team to understand the overall customer order status and lead thepreparation of manpower ;Quality ManagementImplement TEOA related Tools in plant and identify key quality improvement priorities,supervise and monitor quality status; Lead problem solving process in order to meet qualit
      • 上海, Shanghai
      • 正式工
      • CNY360,000 - CNY420,000 每年
      about the company.This is a leading figure in the world of lifestyle products, recognized for his artistry, innovation, and commitment to quality, making it a symbol of the category excellence. With a decades of history, it is known for its exquisite craftsmanship and innovative approach to the product making. Currently, they are looking for a dynamic Marketing Manager to lead their marketing efforts in China. about the team.You will directly report to the
      about the company.This is a leading figure in the world of lifestyle products, recognized for his artistry, innovation, and commitment to quality, making it a symbol of the category excellence. With a decades of history, it is known for its exquisite craftsmanship and innovative approach to the product making. Currently, they are looking for a dynamic Marketing Manager to lead their marketing efforts in China. about the team.You will directly report to the
      • 上海, Shanghai
      • 正式工
      • CNY600,000 - CNY800,000 每年
      about the company.Global Leading Luxury Brandabout the team.China IT Teamabout the job.Being a Lead to design/implement/rollout digital solutions, such as online ecommerce platforms etc.Work with cross functional business teams and vendors for E-comm solutions and lead the team on initiative prioritization, identify best approach and deliver.Account for possible project challenges on constraints including, risks, time, resources and scopeskills and experie
      about the company.Global Leading Luxury Brandabout the team.China IT Teamabout the job.Being a Lead to design/implement/rollout digital solutions, such as online ecommerce platforms etc.Work with cross functional business teams and vendors for E-comm solutions and lead the team on initiative prioritization, identify best approach and deliver.Account for possible project challenges on constraints including, risks, time, resources and scopeskills and experie
      • 上海, Shanghai
      • 正式工
      • CNY2,500,000 - CNY3,000,000 每年
      about the company.Global Leading Auto Groupabout the team.China R&D Centerabout the job.Strategic Vision and Leadership:Determine the strategic direction of the company, focusing on where we play and how we win in the marketplace.Continuously champion the ideal state of the business, anticipating future challenges and opportunitiesBusiness Planning Management: Drive a comprehensive approach to business planning, considering all facets including product dev
      about the company.Global Leading Auto Groupabout the team.China R&D Centerabout the job.Strategic Vision and Leadership:Determine the strategic direction of the company, focusing on where we play and how we win in the marketplace.Continuously champion the ideal state of the business, anticipating future challenges and opportunitiesBusiness Planning Management: Drive a comprehensive approach to business planning, considering all facets including product dev
      • 南通市, Jiangsu
      • 正式工
      • CNY240,000 - CNY360,000 每年
      About company:This is a luxury commercial vehicle company. Job responsibilities:1. Need to have generic system engineering knowledge such as CAN communication, UDS, EE architecture, function safety, cyber security, etc.2. Need to have generic EE HW knowledge such as electric diagram, IO interface,, 2D/3D drawing, DV tests, etc.3. Need to have actual project experience from start to SOP in one or two of the following areas: HMI, ADAS, HAD, EPS and Chassis C
      About company:This is a luxury commercial vehicle company. Job responsibilities:1. Need to have generic system engineering knowledge such as CAN communication, UDS, EE architecture, function safety, cyber security, etc.2. Need to have generic EE HW knowledge such as electric diagram, IO interface,, 2D/3D drawing, DV tests, etc.3. Need to have actual project experience from start to SOP in one or two of the following areas: HMI, ADAS, HAD, EPS and Chassis C
      • 苏州市, Jiangsu
      • 正式工
      • CNY500,000 - CNY1,000,000 每年
      Company Introduction:Well-known private enterprise supplier of VOCs equipmentJob Responsibilities:Responsible for VOCs-related equipment and solutions salesMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:College degree or aboveHave more
      Company Introduction:Well-known private enterprise supplier of VOCs equipmentJob Responsibilities:Responsible for VOCs-related equipment and solutions salesMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:College degree or aboveHave more
      • 苏州市, Jiangsu
      • 正式工
      Company Introduction:Well-known European and American Railway parts supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for Electronic and electrical product sales to Railway customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:College degree
      Company Introduction:Well-known European and American Railway parts supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for Electronic and electrical product sales to Railway customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:College degree
      • 苏州市, Jiangsu
      • 正式工
      • CNY180,000 - CNY240,000 每年
      Company Introduction:Well-known European and American PPE supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for PPE product sales to end user customersDevelop and maintain dealer managementVisit end users independentlyMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and stra
      Company Introduction:Well-known European and American PPE supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for PPE product sales to end user customersDevelop and maintain dealer managementVisit end users independentlyMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and stra
      • 苏州市, Jiangsu
      • 正式工
      • CNY300,000 - CNY500,000 每年
      Company Introduction:Well-known European and American Chemical Materials supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for Chemical Materials product sales to filter customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:Bachelor degree or
      Company Introduction:Well-known European and American Chemical Materials supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for Chemical Materials product sales to filter customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:Bachelor degree or
      • 苏州市, Jiangsu
      • 正式工
      • CNY250,000 - CNY350,000 每年
      Company Introduction:Well-known European and American auto parts supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for product sales to Auto PC Local OEM customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:College degree or aboveHave more t
      Company Introduction:Well-known European and American auto parts supplierJob Responsibilities:Responsible for product sales to Auto PC Local OEM customersMaintain and develop customer relationships, plan business prospects, develop markets, and achieve sales budgetFully understand and be familiar with the products soldResponsibility requirements are in line with the company's business guidance and strategyJob Requirements:College degree or aboveHave more t
      • 苏州市, Jiangsu
      • 正式工
      • CNY200,000 - CNY300,000 每年
      Company Introduction:Well-known foreign Medical electronic equipment companyJob Responsibilities:Maintain and enhance customer relationships with therapists, assistive device consultants, medical and educational personnel, and institutions.Achieve sales target by proactively working in assigned territory, building strong customer relationships, conducting consultative sales visits, and utilizing solid product knowledge to match customer needs with product
      Company Introduction:Well-known foreign Medical electronic equipment companyJob Responsibilities:Maintain and enhance customer relationships with therapists, assistive device consultants, medical and educational personnel, and institutions.Achieve sales target by proactively working in assigned territory, building strong customer relationships, conducting consultative sales visits, and utilizing solid product knowledge to match customer needs with product
      • 苏州市, Jiangsu
      • 正式工
      • CNY200,000 - CNY350,000 每年
      Company Introduction:Well-known foreign filtration equipment companyJob Responsibilities:Response time to sales enquiries in accurate and efficient manner. Conversion rate of enquiries to proposals and proposals to sales.Accuracy of costings and information.Development and information sharing to application and industry knowledge.Success in various market order values, focused on success in solution selling.Job Requirements:College degree or above. Major i
      Company Introduction:Well-known foreign filtration equipment companyJob Responsibilities:Response time to sales enquiries in accurate and efficient manner. Conversion rate of enquiries to proposals and proposals to sales.Accuracy of costings and information.Development and information sharing to application and industry knowledge.Success in various market order values, focused on success in solution selling.Job Requirements:College degree or above. Major i
      • 南通市, Jiangsu
      • 正式工
      • CNY180,000 - CNY240,000 每年
      About company:This is a luxury commercial vehicle company. Job summary:Inhouse Logistics includes sub-projects, Line feeding, Factory Feeding, Packaging and KD. The 3rd industrial hub in China will include different manufacturing and assembly operations, including Chassis assembly, Cab Assembly, Bodyshop and Powertrain, with material flow and logistical setup to support these operations. The project is in the implementation-phase, and you will have a great
      About company:This is a luxury commercial vehicle company. Job summary:Inhouse Logistics includes sub-projects, Line feeding, Factory Feeding, Packaging and KD. The 3rd industrial hub in China will include different manufacturing and assembly operations, including Chassis assembly, Cab Assembly, Bodyshop and Powertrain, with material flow and logistical setup to support these operations. The project is in the implementation-phase, and you will have a great
      • 上海, Shanghai
      • 正式工
      • CNY250,000 - CNY350,000 每年
      关于公司我们客户专注于信息安全产品,是“上海市高新技术企业” 关于职位1.定期向用户汇报IAAS云平台相关工作。2.负责用户现场华为云平台的维护工作,包括平台巡检及告警处理、资源管理、运维报告编写,为现场应用部署提供技术支撑等。3.根据客户要求,协调、协助相关厂商落实云方向相关产品在客户现场的测试及应用,推进新产品或解决方案的落地。4.根据行业特点及现场业务开展,总结技术、故障处理经验,优化相关运维流程、文档。技能和经验要求1.本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业。2.4年及以上云计算或虚拟化相关经验,熟悉云计算技术架构,包括华为云、华三云。3.熟悉OpenStack技术及云平台底层基础设施相关技术,包括计算虚拟化、分布式存储、SDN网络等。4.熟悉常用网络基础知识如路由交换、防火墙策略等。5.责任心、学习能力强,具有良好的沟通表达、团队协作、文档编写能力,能承受一定强度的工作压力。6.加分项:持有ACP、ACE、H3CSE-Cloud、HCIE-Cloud证书。
      关于公司我们客户专注于信息安全产品,是“上海市高新技术企业” 关于职位1.定期向用户汇报IAAS云平台相关工作。2.负责用户现场华为云平台的维护工作,包括平台巡检及告警处理、资源管理、运维报告编写,为现场应用部署提供技术支撑等。3.根据客户要求,协调、协助相关厂商落实云方向相关产品在客户现场的测试及应用,推进新产品或解决方案的落地。4.根据行业特点及现场业务开展,总结技术、故障处理经验,优化相关运维流程、文档。技能和经验要求1.本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业。2.4年及以上云计算或虚拟化相关经验,熟悉云计算技术架构,包括华为云、华三云。3.熟悉OpenStack技术及云平台底层基础设施相关技术,包括计算虚拟化、分布式存储、SDN网络等。4.熟悉常用网络基础知识如路由交换、防火墙策略等。5.责任心、学习能力强,具有良好的沟通表达、团队协作、文档编写能力,能承受一定强度的工作压力。6.加分项:持有ACP、ACE、H3CSE-Cloud、HCIE-Cloud证书。
      • 杭州市, Zhejiang
      • 正式工
      • CNY360,000 - CNY720,000 每年
      about the company.A division of one of the Chinese Internet Giant, focused  on the healthcare sector. It leverages technology to provide a range of health-related services and products. Currently, they are attracting and welcoming talents from personal care or adult products industries to help their business grow.about the team.You will directly report to Category Leader at P8 level, and work with a strong and experienced team. You will be based in Hangzho
      about the company.A division of one of the Chinese Internet Giant, focused  on the healthcare sector. It leverages technology to provide a range of health-related services and products. Currently, they are attracting and welcoming talents from personal care or adult products industries to help their business grow.about the team.You will directly report to Category Leader at P8 level, and work with a strong and experienced team. You will be based in Hangzho
      • 重庆, Chongqing
      • 正式工
      • CNY400,000 - CNY500,000 每年
      关于公司某央企旗下的高端电动车品牌 岗位职责1.负责内外饰系统精致工程目标设定及开发工作;2.负责内外饰系统CMF工程开发及问题整改工作;3.负责内外饰性能目标书的制定及各阶段内外饰性能的过程控制(不含气味、VOC);4.负责内外饰零部件DV/PV/IPT清单编制、DV试验跟踪、报告审核及不合格问题整改;5.负责内外饰可靠性开发验证和精致工程体系建设以及新技术标准搭建。 任职要求1、学历要求:全日制大学本科及以上学历;2、专业要求:高分子、材料工程、汽车工程、机械工程、电气自动化专业优先;3、工作经历:工作8年及以上,具备内外饰零部件设计开发经验,满足专业要求;4、专业技能:4.1 具备内外饰零部件技术可行性分析及技术方案制定能力;4.2 具备运用三维设计软件制作内外饰零部件3D数据及2D图纸的能力;4.3 熟悉内外饰零部件结构、成型及制造工艺。5、语言要求:本科生获得CET四级,硕士生获得CET六级,具有良好的英语听说读写能力,能阅读汽车相关资料;6、综合素质:有较强的语言表达及团队协作能力,责任感强,具
      关于公司某央企旗下的高端电动车品牌 岗位职责1.负责内外饰系统精致工程目标设定及开发工作;2.负责内外饰系统CMF工程开发及问题整改工作;3.负责内外饰性能目标书的制定及各阶段内外饰性能的过程控制(不含气味、VOC);4.负责内外饰零部件DV/PV/IPT清单编制、DV试验跟踪、报告审核及不合格问题整改;5.负责内外饰可靠性开发验证和精致工程体系建设以及新技术标准搭建。 任职要求1、学历要求:全日制大学本科及以上学历;2、专业要求:高分子、材料工程、汽车工程、机械工程、电气自动化专业优先;3、工作经历:工作8年及以上,具备内外饰零部件设计开发经验,满足专业要求;4、专业技能:4.1 具备内外饰零部件技术可行性分析及技术方案制定能力;4.2 具备运用三维设计软件制作内外饰零部件3D数据及2D图纸的能力;4.3 熟悉内外饰零部件结构、成型及制造工艺。5、语言要求:本科生获得CET四级,硕士生获得CET六级,具有良好的英语听说读写能力,能阅读汽车相关资料;6、综合素质:有较强的语言表达及团队协作能力,责任感强,具
      • 杭州市, Zhejiang
      • 正式工
      • CNY360,000 - CNY720,000 每年
      about the company.A division of one of the Chinese Internet Giant, focused  on the healthcare sector. It leverages technology to provide a range of health-related services and products. Currently, they are attracting and welcoming talents from nutrition or healthcare industries to help their business grow.about the team.You will directly report to Category Leader at P8 level, and work with a strong and experienced team. You will be based in Hangzhou, Zheji
      about the company.A division of one of the Chinese Internet Giant, focused  on the healthcare sector. It leverages technology to provide a range of health-related services and products. Currently, they are attracting and welcoming talents from nutrition or healthcare industries to help their business grow.about the team.You will directly report to Category Leader at P8 level, and work with a strong and experienced team. You will be based in Hangzhou, Zheji
      • 重庆, Chongqing
      • 正式工
      • CNY400,000 - CNY500,000 每年
      关于公司某央企旗下的高端电动车品牌 岗位职责1.负责门板、立柱、NVH等内饰系统零件的造型可行性分析、工程化设计与改进、DMU设计校核、质量问题解决;2.负责门板、立柱、NVH等内饰系统零件的技术条件、设计规范、结构图册等的编制;3.负责门板、立柱、NVH等内饰系统零件的售后质量分析整改,确保售后各项指标满足要求;4.负责门板、立柱、NVH等内饰系统零件的平台化设计、优化和推广;5.负责门板、立柱、NVH等内饰系统零件的体系建设。任职要求1、学历要求:全日制大学本科及以上学历;2、专业要求:高分子、材料工程、汽车工程、机械工程、电气自动化专业优先;3、工作经历:工作8年及以上,具备内外饰零部件设计开发经验,满足专业要求;4、专业技能:4.1 具备内外饰零部件技术可行性分析及技术方案制定能力;4.2 具备运用三维设计软件制作内外饰零部件3D数据及2D图纸的能力;4.3 熟悉内外饰零部件结构、成型及制造工艺。5、语言要求:本科生获得CET四级,硕士生获得CET六级,具有良好的英语听说读写能力,能阅读汽车相关资料
      关于公司某央企旗下的高端电动车品牌 岗位职责1.负责门板、立柱、NVH等内饰系统零件的造型可行性分析、工程化设计与改进、DMU设计校核、质量问题解决;2.负责门板、立柱、NVH等内饰系统零件的技术条件、设计规范、结构图册等的编制;3.负责门板、立柱、NVH等内饰系统零件的售后质量分析整改,确保售后各项指标满足要求;4.负责门板、立柱、NVH等内饰系统零件的平台化设计、优化和推广;5.负责门板、立柱、NVH等内饰系统零件的体系建设。任职要求1、学历要求:全日制大学本科及以上学历;2、专业要求:高分子、材料工程、汽车工程、机械工程、电气自动化专业优先;3、工作经历:工作8年及以上,具备内外饰零部件设计开发经验,满足专业要求;4、专业技能:4.1 具备内外饰零部件技术可行性分析及技术方案制定能力;4.2 具备运用三维设计软件制作内外饰零部件3D数据及2D图纸的能力;4.3 熟悉内外饰零部件结构、成型及制造工艺。5、语言要求:本科生获得CET四级,硕士生获得CET六级,具有良好的英语听说读写能力,能阅读汽车相关资料
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